The Old McHenry County Courthouse & Jail


The Old McHenry County Courthouse & Jail


Newspaper articles and photographs mentioning the Old McHenry County Courthouse & Jail. The collection spans over a century and features articles from seven publications. Subject matter includes general news, renovations, events held at the Courthouse, reports on trials, and many more. In addition, it contains photographs from the Woodstock Public Library Archives as well as the Woodstock City Planner's Office.


Woodstock Public Library


Woodstock Public Library








Text, Still Image

Collection Items

May 25 1853 | County Board of Supervisors meet at Courthouse
The Board of Supervisors met at the Court House, on Friday last, according to a call from the clerk. They were a very intelligent looking body of men , and would do no discredit to any County in the State. John Sibley esq. of Virginia, was chosen…

April 5 1854 | Judge Wilson states court should not be held in Courthouse
At the recent term of the Circuit Court, Judge Wilson stated in open court, that he should not hold court in the building known as the court house, another term, and recommending the renting of one of our large halls for that purpose. We do not blame…

March 22 1855 | Crystal Lake Officials Set Sights on County Seat
We notice that the Chicago Democrat, Chronicle, and Advocate, and Belvidere Standard and Democratic Press, are announcing that the citizens of Crystal Lake are a going to raise fifteen thousand dollars, for building the courthouse in the event of a…

December 29 1855 | Bids for Courthouse Construction
Important to Chicago Builders. -Sealed proposals will be received until January 21st, 1856, by Neil Donnelly, Esq., Woodstock, Ill., for building a Courthouse and jail for McHenry County. The main building is to be 44 feet square, with four end…

January 4 1856 | Chicago Improvements to the McHenry County Courthouse
By Messrs. Van Osdel & BaumanHotel at Princeton, $20,000.Grundy County Courthouse, Morris, $20,000.Collegiate Institute at Marengo, $20,000.Catholic Church at Bridgeport, $16,000.Three dwelling houses at Dubuque, $32,000.Odd Fellows Hall,…

February 13 1856 | McHenry County Board Signs Contract for Building of Courthouse
Expensive Courthouse. -The Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Ill., have contracted for the building of a Courthouse at Woodstock, for the sum of $36,000.

March 29 1856 | Burbank House For Sale
My house and two lots, in block No. 6, [...] 1 and 2, within fifteen rods of the new site for the Courthouse, being one of the most desirable locations in Woodstock. Esquire of the subscriber, on the premises, or J.H. Johnson. Term 35 cash down, and…
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