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- Tags: Calhoun Street
High School, Calhoun St Kropp
The old school on South Street is more visible.
120 W. Calhoun
E. C.…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Calhoun Street, Postcard, Schools
House Corner of Calhoun and Nebraska ca 1984
Jim Keefe took this photo in…
Tags: 1900s, Calhoun Street, Houses, Nebraska Street
Jim Keefe's Tour of Woodstock 1972
These proof sheets are photos Jim Keefe took in 1972. There are additional color photos in the Keefe Slides in History Photos. The new Government Center was being built on N. Seminary. City Hall was going to…
St Johns church fire Calhoun St 1989
Tags: 1900s, Calhoun Street, Churches, Fires
St Johns church fire close up 1989
The actual date of the photo is January 1, 1990.
Tags: 1900s, Calhoun Street, Churches, Fires
St Johns church site new construction 1997
Tags: 1900s, Calhoun Street, Churches, Fires
Aerial photo of Square looking south
Tags: 1900s, Aerial Photograph, Benton Street, Buildings, Calhoun Street, Cass Street, Courthouse, Dean Street, Hayward Street, Houses, Jackson Street - East, Jefferson Street, Johnson Street, Judd Street - East, Judd Street - West, Main Street, Opera House, Railroad Depot, South Street, Square Park, Throop Street, Tryon Street
Fire Department on Calhoun Street
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Calhoun Street, Fire Department, Opera House
Fire Department respirator
Tags: 1900s, Calhoun Street, Fire Department, Opera House
Pageant on Central School Lawn, 1917
School children of various ages are seated in front of Central School (now City Hall) 121 W. Calhoun St.
A large number of the girls are dressed in white with white bows and some…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Calhoun Street, Schools
Automobile on Nebraska and Calhoun corner
Tags: 1900s, Automobiles, Calhoun Street, Nebraska Street
Fire at Armory 1910 from Calhoun St
Tags: 1900s, Armory, Buildings, Calhoun Street, Fires
Fire at Armory on Calhoun St 1910
Tags: 1900s, Armory, Buildings, Calhoun Street, Fires
Horseless Carriage - Rambler, 1905/1906
Tags: Automobiles, Calhoun Street
Calhoun St looking east from Dean ca 1954
109 E. Calhoun Ogle's Brake Service (building no longer there;…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Calhoun Street
Calhoun St looking east from Throop ca 1954
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Calhoun Street, Houses
Calhoun St looking west from Dean ca 1955
When the photo is enlarged, a very fuzzy view of the milk dispensing machine on Throop St is almost…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Calhoun Street
Calhoun St looking west from Madison ca 1955
212 E. Calhoun apartments
215 E. Calhoun house (demolished)
225 E. Calhoun Woodstock Motors (Dodge/Plymouth)
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Calhoun Street
Calhoun St. looking east from Dean ca 1955
109 E. Calhoun (demolished)
117-119 E. Calhoun Donahue's Furniture
125 E. Calhoun Jenner's Sheet Metal
122 Jefferson St. St. John's Lutheran Church
Right side shows edge of…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Calhoun Street
Police cars and motorcycle on Calhoun ca 1958
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Calhoun Street, Opera House, Police Department
Post Office and Central School ca 1954
In 1955, the county purchased Central School from District 72 to use as the Courthouse Annex.
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Calhoun Street, Johnson Street, Post Office, Schools
Tiny Hansman with his 3-wheel Harley motorcycleca 1958
High School, Calhoun St United Art
The view is from Calhoun St at Throop St--both are dirt roads. Leaves block the view of the old school…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Calhoun Street, Postcard, Schools
City Hall on Calhoun 2002
The second photo on this same record shows the entire north side of the building and the front sidewalk to Calhoun St.
Tags: 2000s, Buildings, Calhoun Street, Schools