Browse Items (101 total)
- Tags: Businesses
401 W. Jackson Always Inn Postcard
Tags: Businesses, Houses, Jackson Street - West
Jackson St Houses demolished 1969
The street sign for the corner of Jackson and Tryon is made…
Tags: 1900s, Businesses, Houses, Jackson Street - West
Jim Keefe's Tour of Woodstock 1972
These proof sheets are photos Jim Keefe took in 1972. There are additional color photos in the Keefe Slides in History Photos. The new Government Center was being built on N. Seminary. City Hall was going to…
Kids on Rollerblades May 1997
These kids were identified in August 2019 by "Annie" who responded to the photo published as the Photo Detective in…
Tags: 1900s, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses, Square Park
Montgomery Ward 1969
110 S. Johnson
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Johnson Street
Panorama Cass and Sheriff's House 1993
Signs and are not any easier to read when the photo is enlarged.
112 Cass Town Square Realty
Concorde Inn (Hotel sign)…
Panorama Square Benton and VanBuren 1993
The buildings on S. Benton and Van Buren are visible in the distance. The Bohn's Hardware sign is obscured by the tree. Angelo's…
Soldier Monument 1969
The arches…
State Bank Addition 1984
101 S. Benton
East Jackson and Jefferson streets
Tags: 1900s, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses
Van Buren sidewalk widening 1986
The sign on the Wood Bin indicate that they are worried…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Van Buren Street
Van Buren sidewalk widening Opera House 1984
There is a good view of the restaurant on the opposite corner, including the vertical Restaurant…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Van Buren Street
Van Buren St May 1997
101 Van Buren Hamer Schuh law office (partial)
103 Van Buren Cobblestones
105 Smith's Children's Shop
107 Hair Directors
109 Blazier's Pharmacy
111 Cobblestones
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Van Buren Street
Van Buren St with boys on roller blades May 1997
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Van Buren Street
Montgomery Ward and U. S. Post Office
The date is determined by…
Tags: 1900s, Automobiles, Buildings, Businesses, Johnson Street, Post Office
South East Corner of Square L-38
103 E. Van Buren: Sears (1952-1958)
Tags: 1900s, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses, Square Park, Van Buren Street
View in Business Section
126 Cass: F. W.…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Cass Street
May 15 1903 | Canute Lee Sells Blacksmith Shop
Edgetown Motors
Edgetown Motors automobile dealership was located at the intersection of Route 14 (now Lake Avenue) and Route 47. The signs outside and inside are all for Hudson automobiles. Edgetown became a Studebaker dealer around 1950. Note the…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Lake Avenue
Excelsior Market on Benton Street, circa 1883
Woman seated in a buggy driving a horse and three men & a boy look on. The dirt street is lower than the sidewalk and…
Tags: 1800s, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses
First National Bank interior 1950
Amcore Bank scans (in History Photos) include a photo of this interior…
Tags: 1900s, Benton Street, Businesses
Hicksgas was founded by Harold Hicks in 1946. This photo was taken during the same time frame as the others at this intersection, so could be as late as 1953. In addition to the propane tanks, appliances such as a refrigerator,…
Tags: 1900s, Businesses, Lake Avenue
J. Dennis Livery Stable
Corner of Jefferson and E. Jackson
M. Blossom on chair in snow of 1881
Tags: 1800s, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses, Winter
Main St Waverly House ca 1871-1891
Tags: 1800s, Buildings, Businesses, Main Street
Schulhof Plumbing Supplies
Schulhof Wholesale Plumbing Supplies is on the same site as Olson's Jobbing House which was also a wholesale plumbing supply company and which was identified in the 1951 Sentinel Ad. Shulhof first appears in the 1958 City Directory…
Tags: 1900s, Businesses, Eastwood Drive
Square east & southeast sides ca1899
Shows the street covered in snow with horses & buggies tied to the park fence. The Spring house is visible.
After 1899-Church Block…
Tags: 1800s, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses
South Side of the Square Van Buren St, circa 1868-9
This photo of the south side of the square shows the Phoenix block that would be renamed as the Bunker Block after Bunker Brothers moved their grocery, hardware and crockery business there in 1872. Their…
Tags: 1800s, Buildings, Businesses, Schools, Square Park, Van Buren Street
Square East side ca 1883
100 N. Benton J. Kendall dentist (moved in 1883)
102 N. Benton
104 N. Benton E. W. Blossom Jewelry & Watches
106 N. Benton Sign for Phoenix…
Tags: 1800s, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses
Square Northeast Side, circa 1866
Tags: 1800s, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses, Cass Street, Square Park
Square south east side in mourning 1885
109 E. Van Buren A. S. Wright: Drugs & Medicines. The history of this business: Green Front Drug Store was opened by Cyrus B. Durfee in 1851 who took Chris…
Tags: 1800s, Buildings, Businesses, Van Buren Street
Square Southeast side Pratt House ca 1870
Back of photo: "This block of buildings on the south side of square built in 1853. In one of the upper stories over the drug store was Phoenix Hall where many church organizations conducted their services until they had buildings of…
Tags: 1800s, Buildings, Businesses, Square Park, Van Buren Street
Square Southeast Woodstock House ca 1868
Blossom's Jewelry was established in 1868. [117 E. Van Buren]. The photo could have been taken as…
Tags: 1800s, Buildings, Businesses, Churches, Van Buren Street
Woodstock Brewery & Bottling Works Fire
Woodstock Brewery & Bottling Works was founded about 1858 to bottle beer. A photo of the building is on page 15 of Headlight Sights & Scenes (ca. 1898) along with a history.
May 8 "Fire Wipes Out Main Building of Woodstock…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Fires
West Side of Square, ca 1860
Neill Donnelly's Cheap Cash Store…
Tags: 1800s, Buildings, Businesses, Courthouse, Square Park
Fourth of July Tug of War, 1910
Tags: 1900s, 4th of July, Buildings, Businesses, Main Street, Movie Theatres
Borden's Condensed Milk Plant on Washington Street, 1908
Tags: 1900s, Breweries, Buildings, Businesses, Industry, Milk and Dairy, Washington Street
Ladies Foot Race 4th of July, 1910
Tags: 1900s, 4th of July, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses, Van Buren Street
Main Street ca 1910
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Main Street
Oliver Typerwriter Band 4th of July, 1910
"The Oliver Typewriter band, which gets its name from…
Tug of War July Fourth 1910
Taken from the west sidewalk,…
Tags: 1900s, 4th of July, Automobiles, Buildings, Businesses, Main Street, Movie Theatres
A&P on Van Buren ca 1954
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Van Buren Street
Jackson St East at Benton ca1952
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Jackson Street - East
Jefferson St Lloyd's etc ca 1964
The front addresses would be on N. Benton:
112 Harpo's Dugout Tap (basement entry from the Square) has signs for Old Milwaukee America's Light Beer and …
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Jefferson Street
Johnson St and Ward's side ca 1954
There are few…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Johnson Street
Montgomery Ward ca 1954
The window displays include bicycles, appliances and clothing. The small windows above the plate glass display windows are…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Johnson Street
Van Buren and South Benton Streets closeup ca 1954
Continuing the Public Works tour around the city, this photo includes a clue that the photos were taken around 1954. Bohn's added the two-story brick façade that year.
Tags: 1900s, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses, Van Buren Street
Van Buren and South Benton Sts ca 1954
Other businesses include
117 Van Buren Woodstock Grill and
115 Van Buren…
Tags: 1900s, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses, Van Buren Street
Opera House Curt Teich postcard
Reverse identification: City Hall Building and Theatre, Woodstock, Illinois. Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Art-Colortone" Post Card (Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.)
This postcard was…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Opera House, Postcard, Van Buren Street
Cass Street World War 1 Homecoming Celebration, 1919
Hoy’s Pharmacy was in business for many years, succeeded by Pfeiffer’s, Gibson’s and…
Kendall Block on Cass Street, 1920s
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Cass Street, Main Street