Browse Items (100 total)

401 W. Jackson Always Inn postcard.jpg
This postcard, published circa 1910, shows the Cyrus Durfee House, 401 W. Jackson, during the years it was a hotel. Cyrus Durfee built his "mansion" in 1867. The Woodstock Sentinel extolled it as "One of the largest, most convenient, and best…

1903-05-15 (mcr) canute lee sells blacksmith shop oppostie court house to william parker.jpg
Canute Lee has sold his blacksmith shop opposite the courthouse Wm. Parker, and old and experienced blacksmith, who will conduct the business in the future.

1922-1923 City Directory_web.pdf
The Woodstock residential and classified directory, 1922-1923, containing the names and addresses of all residents. Also phone number of representative business and professional men [sic] of Woodstock and vicinity.

This photo was taken in the 1920’s, showing the building where Prudential Realty and Town Square Inn are located. Compare it with the photo of the same building in 1883 (Kendall Block and Austin’s Grocery Store). The building has been doubled in size…

On June 10, 1919 the city of Woodstock Illinois hosted a Homecoming Celebration for McHenry County's returning soldiers, sailors and marines from World War I.

Hoy’s Pharmacy was in business for many years, succeeded by Pfeiffer’s, Gibson’s and…

In 1903, the Borden's Condensed Milk company sent a delegation which included representatives of the Chicago and North Western railway to search for a suitable site to build a factory in Woodstock. After consulting with prominent citizens, Mayor E.…

This photo gives a good view of a large portion of Main Street’s east side to the edge of the Square. Note that the far building two stories. Also, this is a good view of the Waverly House (with balconies).

Cass St and Benton St stores ca 1916.jpg
This photo of the northeast corner of the Square was taken after 1910, when the McHenry County Bank moved out of the west portion of the building so that Stone & Sons shoes occupied the entire space. The globe type electric lamps were installed in…

Square, west side ca 1858.jpg
Oldest known photo of the Courthouse [101 N. Johnson] and newly landscaped (1858-9) Square Park. The Courthouse was built in 1857. There is a description of the courthouse in the February 3, 1858 Woodstock Sentinel.
Neill Donnelly's Cheap Cash Store…

Woodstock Dry Goods 1939 Benton St.tif
113 S. Benton: Woodstock Dry Goods Company in the Church Block, built by Malachi Church after his livery stable burned in the 1893 fire that destroyed all the buildings on South Benton to East Jackson. Church did not live to occupy the building, but…

Brewery on Washington St. fire 1902.tif
Washington Street

Woodstock Brewery & Bottling Works was founded about 1858 to bottle beer. A photo of the building is on page 15 of Headlight Sights & Scenes (ca. 1898) along with a history.

May 8 "Fire Wipes Out Main Building of Woodstock…

Welcome Home Company G 1898.jpg
"When the electric sign up on the Murphy block, which read 'Welcome Home' when Company G returned from the Spanish American war. That sign caused almost as much excitement as the actual return of the soldier boys themselves, and how proud everyone…

Welcome Home 1919 State Bank and Oddfellows.jpg
Shows the corner of Cass and E. Jackson streets decorated for the Welcome Home celebration June 10, 1919. See Item #465: "Welcome Home 1919 train depot" for more information

101 S. Benton: State Bank of Woodstock with original crenelated tower of…

Welcome Home 1919 Square crowd panorama left.jpg
LEFT IMAGE - The intersection of Cass and North Benton streets is lined with the crowd that is waiting for the parade to begin. The edge of the reviewing stand is visible along with the back of those sitting on the stand. The rest of the spectators…

Welcome Home 1919 Benton Street Murphy block.jpg
Continuing the tour of the decorations around the Square, this shows Murphy Block and 110 N. Benton.

100 N. Benton: American National Bank
102 N. Benton: Murphy & Doering General Merchandise
106 N. Benton: Lencioni & Bertolozzi Ice Cream and…

Welcome Home 1919 Cass Street.jpg
Hoy Block decorated for the June 10, 1919 celebration. Banners decorate Cass Street (wire stretches from Benton Street to the Square Park) and all three levels of the building. Two men stand on the sidewalk on North Benton and a part of the Sentinel…

Welcome Home 1919 Cass Street Stone shoes.jpg
108 Cass
Three boys stand on the sidewalk in front of Stone & Son Shoe Store on June 10, 1919 decorated for the Welcome Home celebration.This was the last frame building on the square until it burned down in 1936.
"Most Recent Bad Fire The last…

Welcome Home 1919 Benton Street South and North.jpg
Continuing the tour of the decorations around the Square for the Welcome Home celebration June 10, 1919, this view of Benton Street starts with Mead & Charles Grocery and extends all the way to Church street. Pennants and banners are draped on wires…

Welcome Home 1919 Benton Street North and Judd st.jpg
Fourth photo of Benton Street decorated for the Welcome Home celebration June 10, 1919
110 N. Benton: Schneider & Eckert Barber shop; Gus Anderson Harness Maker
112 N. Benton: E. E. Stone Drug Store
114 N. Benton: Bank
116 N. Benton:
118 N.…

View in Business Section 1942-47.jpg
Photo taken from inside the Square Park shows the businesses on the west side of Cass St. It can be dated from 1941/2 (A & P groceries replaced by True Value Hardware at 128 Cass) to 1947 as shown by the date on the message.
126 Cass: F. W.…

Van Buren St with boys on rollerblades May 1997.tif
Two boys emerge from E. Jackson ready to cross Benton St to get to the Square. They are on rollerblades so are resting on the corner flower planter to wait for traffic.

Van Buren St May 1997.tif
Van Buren St buildings taken from the corner of E. Jackson and Benton.
101 Van Buren Hamer Schuh law office (partial)
103 Van Buren Cobblestones
105 Smith's Children's Shop
107 Hair Directors
109 Blazier's Pharmacy
111 Cobblestones

Van Buren sidewalk widening Opera House 1986.tif
The widening of the sidewalk on Van Buren has not reached the front of the Opera House yet. Bricks, sand, and construction debris are in evidence.

There is a good view of the restaurant on the opposite corner, including the vertical Restaurant…

Van Buren sidewalk widening 1986.tif
The sidewalk is being expanded on Van Buren from Dean to Johnson streets to match the one on the east side of Dean. Bricks have been removed from the street an metal walkways cover the hole.

The sign on the Wood Bin indicate that they are worried…

Van Buren and South Benton Streets ca 1954.tif
Continuing the Public Works tour around the city, this photo includes a clue that the photos were taken around 1954. Bohn's added the two-story brick façade that year.
Other businesses include
117 Van Buren Woodstock Grill and
115 Van Buren…

Van Buren and South Benton Streets closeup ca 1954.tif
Closeup version of Item #428: "Van Buren and South Benton Sts"

Continuing the Public Works tour around the city, this photo includes a clue that the photos were taken around 1954. Bohn's added the two-story brick façade that year.

Unidentified drug store with books.tif
This tantalizing interior of a drug store with books on the shelves is a photographic copy of an original that Jim Keefe took. Tantalizing because the Woodstock Literary and Library Association, precurser to the Woodstock Public Library, was founded…

Tug of War on Main Street July 4 1910.TIF
People fill Main Street watching the Tug of War, however, no rope is visible. Notice the fashions worn by men, women and children. Bunting and flags decorate the buildings and a car (1905 Buick?) brings up the rear.
Taken from the west sidewalk,…

Thorne and Son interior 1910-25.tif
The interior of C. F. Thorne taken some years after the photo of the exterior which was dated 1890. William S. (on the left) is an adult and Charles F. (on the right) has aged as well. The gentleman in the middle is Frank Daly. Men's hats are on…

Thorne CF Exterior 1890.tif
This photo of the exterior of the C. F. Thorne Clothing and Shoes store at 108 N. Benton shows five members of the family. William S. Thorne, age 11 stands in front on the left with his father Charles F. Thorne on the top step. The others in the…

Thorne and Son interior 2 men.tif
William S. Thorne, the son in C. F. Thorne and Son, models a hat as does his "customer" Charles Claussen. Four other types of hat are displayed in their hands and on the counter. The poses and angle seem to suggest that this was intended as an…

State Bank addition 1984.jpg
The top story is being constructed for the addition to the State Bank of Woodstock. The Odd Fellows building has been demolished to make space for the addition.

101 S. Benton
East Jackson and Jefferson streets

Square south east side ca. 1877.jpg
This photo of Van Buren Street was taken after 1872 when Bunker Brothers moved here after losing their former building by fire on October 8, 1871 that destroyed the west part of Van Buren and the south part of Johnson streets.
All of the businesses…

Square west side 1928.TIF
The Stafford Furniture building on the left was torn down in October 1928. The demolition was to make space for the Montgomery Ward department store at 110 S. Johnson.
The front of the photo is mis-identified as Donnelly Building Torn Down Oct 1928.…

Square Taken March 27 1930.jpg
This photo is taken from nearly the same vantage point as the photo taken Feb 22 1930, however snow covers the ground and the flags are no longer there. Mr. Stamet's popcorn wagon, the Spring House, Bandstand and Soldier Monument are all visible.…

Square Taken Feb 22 1930.jpg
One of three Tripp photos of the Square taken in 1930.This one shows the Square park from the entrance at Cass and Main street. A small popcorn wagon, identified as "Mr. Stamet's" for another photo, is adjacent to the entrance. The Spring House,…

Southeast Woodstock House closeup ca 1868.jpg
South east side of Square with Woodstock House and Post Office. This is a blurred closeup of the same buildings as photo ID 37 [105-117 E. Van Buren]
Blossom's Jewelry was established in 1868. [117 E. Van Buren]. The photo could have been taken as…

Square south east pratt house c 1869.tif
Pratt House
Back of photo: "This block of buildings on the south side of square built in 1853. In one of the upper stories over the drug store was Phoenix Hall where many church organizations conducted their services until they had buildings of…

Square south east in mourning 1885.tif
South side of the Square is decorated with mourning crepe to mark President Grant's death.
109 E. Van Buren A. S. Wright: Drugs & Medicines. The history of this business: Green Front Drug Store was opened by Cyrus B. Durfee in 1851 who took Chris…

Square south and east side 1881 snow.jpg
Looking toward the southeast side of the Square from in front of Murphy Block 101 N. Benton. Taken the same day as the stereoptican ID 45 but later in the day since the snow is piled higher around the lamppost and an advertising sign for Royal St.…

Square park in winter after 1891.TIF
Square park after a snowfall showing the Woodstock Opera House (built 1889) and two other buildings on W. Van Buren St. Three buildings also are visible on S. Johnson, including the Donnelly buildings. The center of the square has a wood fence around…

Square north east side ca 1866.jpg
"VIEW OF THE HOY BLOCK DURING CIVIL WAR DAYS This excellent picture of the northeast side of the public square shows the Hoy Block [100-104 Cass], consisting of the first three store rooms to the right of the picture, together with a fourth building,…

Square north side taken in 1930.jpg
Fourth in a series of photos taken in 1930, this photo is taken in the summer, showing Benton street next to the Square park going north toward Clay street. A portion of the Spring House is on the left with a row of automobiles parked there.


Square East side ca 1883.tif
East side of Square taken approximately the same time as the Baseball Team 1884 Benton St. photo ID 63.
100 N. Benton J. Kendall dentist (moved in 1883)
102 N. Benton
104 N. Benton E. W. Blossom Jewelry & Watches
106 N. Benton Sign for Phoenix…

Square south east side ca 1868.jpg
Back of photo: Old Bunker Block burned 1871
This photo of the south side of the square shows the Phoenix block that would be renamed as the Bunker Block after Bunker Brothers moved their grocery, hardware and crockery business there in 1872. Their…

Square east and southeast ca1899.jpg
East side of Square in winter from Medlar studio vantage point. Shows Benton Street from 112 N. to 113 S.
Shows the street covered in snow with horses & buggies tied to the park fence. The Spring house is visible.
After 1899-Church Block…

Square bricklaying 1912 copy.tif
Workers are preparing to lay bricks on the Square at Cass and Benton streets. Workmen have dumped wheelbarrows full of rocks which will pave the way for the bricks that will be laid on top. Many bricks are stacked under awnings of Benton St. Two men…

South East Corner of Square L-38.jpg
Part of the same series as Montgomery Ward (ID 183) and View in Business Section (ID 182), this photo of Van Buren and S. Benton street businesses was taken from the Square. Identifiable businesses include:
103 E. Van Buren: Sears (1952-1958)

Soldier Monument 1969.jpg
View of the back of the Civil War soldier's monument with North Benton street in the background. Visible signs include Lloyd's, Stone's, and First National Bank. Note the small trees that were recently planted after the 1967 storm.

The arches…
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