Browse Items (276 total)

Mouse, singing 1936.tif
A mouse, caught at the Chicago Industrial Home for Children in Woodstock in 1936, brought fame and a bit of fortune to the city and the Children's Home.

An article in Time magazine, December 28, 1936, tells the best version of the…

Corner of Benton and East Judd ca 1907.tif
The brick buildings on the northeast corner of North Benton and East Judd house several businesses and offices. At the time this photo was taken, the street in front was called Lumber Street.

The building on the right was known as the Dacy Block,…

Winter of 1909/1910 black and white photograph of the construction of the Emerson Typewriter factory in Woodstock, Illinois.  The brick structure only has the first floor and smokestack erected.
Gus Persson took this photo of the Emerson Typewriter factory under construction in the winter of 1909-1910.

Emerson Typewriter Co. was founded in Momence, Illinois in 1909 and moved to Woodstock in 1910. City subscribers raised $30,000 to…

Undated black and white photograph of a  man posing in front of his horse and carriage in front of the side of a brick building in Woodstock, Illinois.
130 Washington Street
This print was made from glass negatives donated to the Woodstock Public Library.

Circa 1890s black and white winter photograph of the Woodstock Square Park, Woodstock, Illinois.  The park is full of mature leafless elm trees and the ground is covered with snow.   In the park can be seen an uncovered bandstand.  In front of the park on Cass Street are a couple  of horse and sleds.  In the background are two story wooden buildings on Johnson Street and on Cass street is the Woodstock Opera Hosue building.
The Opera House was finished in 1890 and this is one of the oldest photographs of it. The picture shows the bandstand as it looked before the 1909 structure. The houses and shops on the southwest side of the Square (where Woodstock Square Mall is…

1919 black and white photograph of two and three story brick buildings on Benton Street. The buildings are decorated with patriotic flags and buntings for a homecoming celebration for local soldiers returning home from World War 1. Several cars are parked on the brick paved street in front of the buildings.
On June 10, 1919 the city of Woodstock Illinois hosted a Homecoming Celebration for McHenry County's returning soldiers, sailors and marines from World War I.

This picture shows Benton Street from Van Buren all the way to Church Street.

1919 black and white photograph of two and three story brick buildings on Benton Street.  The buildings are decorated with patriotic flags and buntings for a homecoming celebration for local soldiers returning home from World War 1.  Several cars are parked on the brick paved street in front of the buildings.
On June 10, 1919 the city of Woodstock Illinois hosted a Homecoming Celebration for McHenry County's returning soldiers, sailors and marines from World War I.

1919 black and white photograph of two and three story buildings on the corner of Benton and Jackson Streets, Woodstock, Illinois.  The buildings are decorated with patriotic flags and buntings for a homecoming celebration for local soldiers returning home from World War 1.
On June 10, 1919 the city of Woodstock Illinois hosted a Homecoming Celebration for McHenry County's returning soldiers, sailors and marines from World War I. This photo is of the State Bank of Woodstock and to the left, the Odd Fellows Hall (Benton…

1919 black and white photograph of a three story brick building on Cass Street, Woodstock, Illinois.   The building is decorated in patriotic flags and buntings for a homecoming celebration for local soldiers who fought in World War 1.
On June 10, 1919 the city of Woodstock Illinois hosted a Homecoming Celebration for McHenry County's returning soldiers, sailors and marines from World War I.

Hoy’s Pharmacy was in business for many years, succeeded by Pfeiffer’s, Gibson’s and…

Circa 1887-1912 black and white photograph of the McHenry County Courthouse and Sheriff's House & Jail on Johnson Street, Woodstock Illinois.  The courthouse building has trees in front of it and mature elm trees can be seen in north-western section of the Woodstock Square Park.  Parked on the dirt road are horse and buggies.
This picture was taken sometime between 1887, when the Sheriff’s House was built, and 1912, when brick pavers were laid on the streets surrounding the Square. There are no electric wires visible, so it is probably taken before the power plant was…

1924 black and white photograph of Main Street, Woodstock, Illinois.  several automobiles are seen driving and parked on the street in front of two and three story brick buildings.  In the background is the Woodstock train depot.
In this picture, cars have almost replaced horses and there is enough traffic to make Main Street a one-way street. The building on the left is Dushnack’s Restaurant. On the right is one of the last wooden buildings on the square. It burned in…

1908 black and white photograph of a large wooden building used as a condensed milk processing plant located in Woodstock, Illinois.  In the foreground are a set of railroad tracks.
In 1903, the Borden's Condensed Milk company sent a delegation which included representatives of the Chicago and North Western railway to search for a suitable site to build a factory in Woodstock. After consulting with prominent citizens, Mayor E.…

1910 black and white photograph of a large crowd of people on Main Street in Woodstock, Illinois watcing a tug of war competition.   In front of the crowd is one automobile parked on the street and in the background are two and three story brick buildings.
This photo gives a good view of a large portion of Main Street’s east side to the edge of the Square. Note that the far building two stories. Also, this is a good view of the Waverly House (with balconies).

Black and white photograph of a small two story house known as the Music Cottage on the campus of the Todd School for Boys located in Woodstok, Illinois.
This building served as the home and classroom for Todd School’s Music Director Carl Hendrickson and his wife Helen ‘Nenette’. This building is one of the few Todd School buildings still standing, it is situated on Seminary Avenue, just past the…

Circa 1940 black and white photograph of a football game on the campus of the Todd Schoo. for Boys.  In the background are spectators and two two-story brick buildings.
The Todd School for Boys (1848–1954) was an independent school located in Woodstock, Illinois founded by Reverend Richard Kimball Todd, a Presbyterian pastor. Under the guidance of Headmaster Noble Hill in the 1920s and Hill’s son Roger in the 1930s,…

1930 black and white photograph of Todd School for Boys faculty standing in the doorway of a building on the school's campus.
The Todd School for Boys (1848–1954) was an independent school located in Woodstock, Illinois founded by Reverend Richard Kimball Todd, a Presbyterian pastor. Under the guidance of Headmaster Noble Hill in the 1920s and Hill’s son Roger in the 1930s,…

Circa 1930 black and white photograph of two Todd School for Boys students riding horses in front of a brick building.
The Todd School curriculum included horseback riding. The stable in the background was built by Todd students in 1930, under the direction of instructor A.E. Johnson. Coach Roskie is the fourth person from the left in this photograph. A Todd…

Black and white photograph of a Todd School for Boys student standing in front of the school's wooden two story gymnasium building.
The Todd School Gymnasium building was built in 1894 and originally was used as a barn. Once renovated, the gymnasium included a 70-foot basketball court, bowling alley, gymnastics equipment and balcony seating. In addition to the indoor…

1937 black and white photographs of the Todd School for Boys Gymnasium building before and after remodeling.  Woodstock, Illinois.
The Todd School Gymnasium building was built in 1894 and originally was used as a barn. Once renovated, the gymnasium included a 70-foot basketball court, bowling alley, gymnastics equipment and balcony seating. In addition to the indoor…

Black and white photograph of an outdoor graduation in front of a two story brick building known as Grace Hall located on the campus of the Todd School for Boys in Woodstock, Illinois.   Many people are sitting in chairs on the lawn in front of the building as a person speaks from the front porch of the building.
Graduation ceremonies in front of Todd School's Grace Hall.

Grace Hall
Built in 1920-1921, the brick building provided accommodations for twenty-four students and six faculty members. It also housed the school's sound studio, laboratory, and…

1925 black and white photograph of young boys running in the snow on the Todd School for Boys campus.  To the right of the photograph is a two story brick building.
1925 photograph of Todd School students running in the snow just outside of Rogers Hall.

The Todd School for Boys (1848–1954) was an independent school located in Woodstock, Illinois founded by Reverend Richard Kimball Todd, a Presbyterian pastor.…

Black and white photograph of Todd School for Boys students in a passenger trailer hitched to an automoible.  The photograph was taken on the Todd School campus in front of a two story brick building.
Affectionately known as “Big Bertha,” the Todd School sleeper buses provided a complete traveling home/school, were used to take students to educational sites throughout North America and to transport students to the Todd winter home in Florida. The…

Students & Noble HIll in front of Grace hall.jpg
Students and Headmaster Noble Hill in front of Todd School's Grace Hall.

The Todd School for Boys (1848–1954) was an independent school located in Woodstock, Illinois founded by Reverend Richard Kimball Todd, a Presbyterian pastor. Under the…

Black and white photograph of a two story wooden building known as Clover Hall that was on the campus of the Tood School for Boys located in Woodstock, Illinois.
One of the original Todd School buildings, Clover Hall was built in the 1860s. Clover Hall was named after Martha Clover, first wife of the Todd School founder, Richard Kimball Todd. Originally, the building was used for the school's administrative…

Black and white photograph of a two story wood building kown as the The Todd School Gymnasium which was located on the campus of the Todd School for Boys in Woodstock, Illinois.
The Todd School Gymnasium building was built in 1894 and originally was used as a barn. Once renovated, the gymnasium included a 70-foot basketball court, bowling alley, gymnastics equipment and balcony seating. In addition to the indoor…

Black and white photograph of a three story wooden building known as Wallingford Hall that was on the campus of the Todd School for Boys in Woodstock, Illinois.
The oldest building on the Todd campus, built in the early 1860s. It was located at the corner of Route 147 (Seminary Ave.) and Route 120 (McHenry Ave.). Wallingford Hall was expanded twice in its hundred years, in the 1890s and again in 1912. The…

Black and white photograph of a two story wooden building known as Clover Hall that was on the campus of the Tood School for Boys located in Woodstock, Illinois.
One of the original Todd School buildings, Clover Hall was built in the 1860s. Clover Hall was named after Martha Clover, first wife of the Todd School founder, Richard Kimball Todd. Originally, the building was used for the school's administrative…

Black and white photograph of a two story building known as Grace Hall which was located on the Todd School for Boys campus in Woodstock, Illinois.
Built in 1920-1921, the brick building provided accommodations for twenty-four students and six faculty members. It also housed the school's sound studio, laboratory, and photography dark room. Grace Hall was named in memory of Noble Hill's first…

Black and white photograph of a two story brick building known as Rogers Hall on the campus of the Tood School for Boys in Woodstock, Illinois.
Built in 1910 and named in honor of Noble Hill's wife's family name, Rogers. The facility included wood, print, and machine shops, classrooms, a library, science laboratories and a 180 seat theater.

Rogers Hall is one of the few remaining…

Black and white illustration of the Todd School for Boys campus which appeared in the 1872 Combination Atlas Map of McHenry County.
The Todd School for Boys (1848–1954) was an independent school located in Woodstock, Illinois founded by Reverend Richard Kimball Todd, a Presbyterian pastor. Under the guidance of Headmaster Noble Hill in the 1920s and Hill’s son Roger in the 1930s,…

1930 black and white panoramic photograph of Todd School for Boys students, teachers and administrators.  Orson Welles is seen in the back row in front of a tree.
1930 Todd School class photo with Grace Hall in the background. A young Orson Welles (age 14 or 15) is in the middle of the back row (standing in front of the tree). Roger "Skipper" Hill, headmaster, is fifth from the right in the back row.


Circa 1916 black and white photograph of the two and three story brick buildings on the corner of Cass and Benton Streets, Woodstock, Illinois.  A few pedestrians are seen walking on the sidewalks.
This photo of the northeast corner of the Square was taken after 1910, when the McHenry County Bank moved out of the west portion of the building so that Stone & Sons shoes occupied the entire space. The globe type electric lamps were installed in…

Circa 1860 black and white photograph of the Woodstock Square Park, the Old McHenry County Courthouse and other brick and wooden buildings on Johnson Street, Woodstock, Illinois.   The Square Park has many young trees in it and is surrounded by a white fence.
Oldest known photo of the Courthouse [101 N. Johnson] and newly landscaped (1858-9) Square Park. The Courthouse was built in 1857. There is a description of the courthouse in the February 3, 1858 Woodstock Sentinel.
Neill Donnelly's Cheap Cash Store…

1928 colorized black and white postcard of the Woodstock Typewriter building located on Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois.
300 N. Seminary
Emerson Typewriter Co. was founded in Momence, Illinois in 1909 and moved to Woodstock in 1910. City subscribers raised $30,000 to purchase the land and build this 25,000 square foot building. Alvah Roebuck (of Sears and Roebuck…

1937 black and white photograph of the Woodstock Hospital.   The building is a two story brick structure.
527 W. South Street

Woodstock Hospital was moved from Clay Street to the Judge Theodore Murphy home at 527 W. South Street in 1915. This photo shows the Bentley Wing that was built in 1937 in front of the original building.

The name of the…

Circa 1910-1925 black and white photograph of a two story brick building known as the Church Block on Benton Street, Woodstock, Illinois.
113 S. Benton: Woodstock Dry Goods Company in the Church Block, built by Malachi Church after his livery stable burned in the 1893 fire that destroyed all the buildings on South Benton to East Jackson. Church did not live to occupy the building, but…

1902 black and white photograph of a  burning four story brick building used as a brewery.  Several young men are seen sitting on a fence watching the building burn.
Washington Street

Woodstock Brewery & Bottling Works was founded about 1858 to bottle beer. A photo of the building is on page 15 of Headlight Sights & Scenes (ca. 1898) along with a history.

May 8 "Fire Wipes Out Main Building of Woodstock…

Circa 1864-1887 blurry black and white photograph of snow on Cass Street, Woodstock, Ilinois.   The side walk has been shoveled and various business signs hang over the sidewalk.  In the background is a three story brick buildig in the location of the current old Sheriff's Office and Jail building on Johnson Street.
Out of focus photo of the north and west sides of the Square after a snowstorm. It was taken looking west from Medlar's studio on Cass Street.
Neill Donnelly's store was demolished in 1887 to make room for the Sheriff's House.
Neill Donnelly…

1919 black and white photograph of Benton Street, Woodstock, Illinois.   Lining the street are two and three story brick buildings.   Strung across the street is a banner that reads welcome home company G.
"When the electric sign up on the Murphy block, which read 'Welcome Home' when Company G returned from the Spanish American war. That sign caused almost as much excitement as the actual return of the soldier boys themselves, and how proud everyone…

1919 black and white photograph of two and three story brick buildings on the corner of Benton and Jackson Streets, Woodstock, Illinois.  The buildings are decorated with patriotic buntings.
Shows the corner of Cass and E. Jackson streets decorated for the Welcome Home celebration June 10, 1919. See Item #465: "Welcome Home 1919 train depot" for more information

101 S. Benton: State Bank of Woodstock with original crenelated tower of…

1919 black and white photograph of the corner of Benton and Cass Streets, Woodstock, Illinois.  The two and three story brick buildings in the background are decorated in patriotic buntings.  Crowds of people line the street in anticipation of a parade.
LEFT IMAGE - The intersection of Cass and North Benton streets is lined with the crowd that is waiting for the parade to begin. The edge of the reviewing stand is visible along with the back of those sitting on the stand. The rest of the spectators…

1919 black and white photograph of the Woodstock Opera House on Van Buren Street, Woodstock, Illinois.   The building is decorated with patriotic buntings.
The Opera House is decorated for the June 10, 1919 celebration.

The Woodstock Sentinel June 12, 1919 p6:
Pavement Dancing
Between the hours of 3 and 5 in the afternoon and 10 and 12 in the evening, dancing was enjoyed on the pavement between…

1919 black and white photograph of two and three story brick buildings on Benton Street, Woodstock, Illinois.   The buildings are decorated with patriotic buntings.  Several automobiles and horse and buggies are parked on the brick paved street.
Continuing the tour of the decorations around the Square, this shows Murphy Block and 110 N. Benton.

100 N. Benton: American National Bank
102 N. Benton: Murphy & Doering General Merchandise
106 N. Benton: Lencioni & Bertolozzi Ice Cream and…

1919 black and white photograph of Main Street, Woodstock, Illinois. Two and trhee story brick buildings on both sides of the street are decorated with patriotic buntings.   On the brick paved street are seveal  parked sparked automobiles.
Part of the series of the June 10, 1919 Welcome Home photos. See ID 100 for full Sentinel article.
Main Street is decked out for the celebration with a series of bunting and flags over the street, on the light poles and on the buildings. The Welcome…

1919 black and white photograph of the old McHenry County Courthouse and Sheriff's Office and Jail on Johnson Street, Woodstock, Illinois. Both buildings are decorated with patriotic butnings but are obscured by mature trees. In the foreground, patriotic buntings are strung across and over the street.
This photo of the Courthouse and Sheriff's House decorated for the Welcome Home celebration also shows a vendor's tent in the northwest corner of the Square park.

1919 black and white photograph of the old McHenry County Courthouse and Sheriff's Office and Jail on Johnson Street, Woodstock, Illinois.  Both buildings are decorated with patriotic buntings but are obscured by mature trees.  In the foreground, patriotic buntings are strung across and over the street.
The Courthouse and Sheriff's House are decorated with bunting and flags for the Welcome Home celebration. Cass and Johnson streets are festooned with flags and banners as well. Three men stand on the Courthouse steps which seem lower than today.

1919 black and white phogotraph of a three story brick building on Cass Street, Woodstock, Illinois.  The building is decorated with patriotic buntings.
Hoy Block decorated for the June 10, 1919 celebration. Banners decorate Cass Street (wire stretches from Benton Street to the Square Park) and all three levels of the building. Two men stand on the sidewalk on North Benton and a part of the Sentinel…

1919 black and white photograph of a two story wooden building on the corner of Cass and Main Streets, Woodstock, Illinois.  The building is decorated with patriotic buntings.   A few boys with bicycles are standing in front of the building.
108 Cass
Three boys stand on the sidewalk in front of Stone & Son Shoe Store on June 10, 1919 decorated for the Welcome Home celebration.This was the last frame building on the square until it burned down in 1936.
"Most Recent Bad Fire The last…
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