Browse Items (276 total)
- Tags: Buildings
Woodstock's Singing Mouse
An article in Time magazine, December 28, 1936, tells the best version of the…
Corner of Benton and E. Judd
The building on the right was known as the Dacy Block,…
Tags: Benton Street, Buildings, Judd Street - East
Emerson Typewriter Company
Emerson Typewriter Co. was founded in Momence, Illinois in 1909 and moved to Woodstock in 1910. City subscribers raised $30,000 to…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Industry, Seminary Avenue, Typewriters
Midge's Café
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Church Street
Man with Horse and Buggy - 130 Washington Street
This print was made from glass negatives donated to the Woodstock Public Library.
Tags: Buildings, Washington Street
Woodstock Opera House & Bandstand
Benton Street Looking North World War 1 Homecoming Celebration, 1919
This picture shows Benton Street from Van Buren all the way to Church Street.
Benton Street World War 1 Homecoming Celebration, 1919
Corner of Benton & Jackson Streets - World War 1 Homecoming Celebration, 1919
Cass Street World War 1 Homecoming Celebration, 1919
Hoy’s Pharmacy was in business for many years, succeeded by Pfeiffer’s, Gibson’s and…
McHenry County Courthouse and Sheriff's House & Jail
Main Street Woodstock, 1924
Tags: 1900s, Automobiles, Buildings, Main Street
Borden's Condensed Milk Plant on Washington Street, 1908
Tags: 1900s, Breweries, Buildings, Businesses, Industry, Milk and Dairy, Washington Street
Fourth of July Tug of War, 1910
Tags: 1900s, 4th of July, Buildings, Businesses, Main Street, Movie Theatres
Music Cottage at Todd School for Boys
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Music, Todd School
Football Game at Todd School, circa 1940s
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Sports, Students, Todd School
Faculty - Todd School for Boys, 1930
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Todd School
Todd School for Boys Horseback Riding, circa 1930
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Students, Todd School
Gymnasium - Todd School
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Sports, Todd School
Students on the Steps of Grace Hall, Todd School for Boys, circa 1930
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Students, Todd School
Todd School Gymnasium - Before and After Remodeling
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Sports, Todd School
Graduation in Front of Grace Hall - Todd School
Grace Hall
Built in 1920-1921, the brick building provided accommodations for twenty-four students and six faculty members. It also housed the school's sound studio, laboratory, and…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Students, Todd School
Todd School Students Running in the Snow Outside of Rogers Hall, 1925
The Todd School for Boys (1848–1954) was an independent school located in Woodstock, Illinois founded by Reverend Richard Kimball Todd, a Presbyterian pastor.…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Students, Todd School, Winter
Todd School Bus in Front of Rogers Hall
Tags: 1900s, Big Bertha, Buildings, Students, Todd School
Students & Noble Hill in Front of Grace Hall - Todd School
The Todd School for Boys (1848–1954) was an independent school located in Woodstock, Illinois founded by Reverend Richard Kimball Todd, a Presbyterian pastor. Under the…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Students, Todd School
Clover Hall - Todd School
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Todd School
Gymnasium - Todd School
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Todd School
Wallingford Hall - Todd School
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Orson Welles, Swimming Pools, Todd School
Clover Hall - Todd School
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Todd School
Grace Hall - Todd School, circa 1921
Rogers Hall - Todd School
Rogers Hall is one of the few remaining…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Todd School
1872 Illustration of the Todd Campus
Tags: 1800s, Buildings, Todd School
1930 Todd School Class Photo (Includes Orson Welles)
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Orson Welles, Students, Todd School
Cass St and Benton St Stores, circa 1916
Tags: 1900s, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses, Cass Street
West Side of Square, ca 1860
Neill Donnelly's Cheap Cash Store…
Tags: 1800s, Buildings, Businesses, Courthouse, Square Park
Woodstock Typewriter Factory
Emerson Typewriter Co. was founded in Momence, Illinois in 1909 and moved to Woodstock in 1910. City subscribers raised $30,000 to purchase the land and build this 25,000 square foot building. Alvah Roebuck (of Sears and Roebuck…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Postcard, Seminary Avenue, Typewriters
Woodstock Hospital, 1937
Woodstock Hospital was moved from Clay Street to the Judge Theodore Murphy home at 527 W. South Street in 1915. This photo shows the Bentley Wing that was built in 1937 in front of the original building.
The name of the…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Hospitals, South Street
Woodstock Dry Goods 1939
Tags: 1900s, Benton Street, Buildings, Businesses
Woodstock Brewery & Bottling Works Fire
Woodstock Brewery & Bottling Works was founded about 1858 to bottle beer. A photo of the building is on page 15 of Headlight Sights & Scenes (ca. 1898) along with a history.
May 8 "Fire Wipes Out Main Building of Woodstock…
Tags: 1900s, Buildings, Businesses, Fires
West side of Square from Cass street in snow
Neill Donnelly's store was demolished in 1887 to make room for the Sheriff's House.
Neill Donnelly…
Tags: 1800s, Buildings, Cass Street, Winter
Welcome home Company G 1898
Welcome Home 1919 State Bank & Oddfellows
101 S. Benton: State Bank of Woodstock with original crenelated tower of…
Welcome Home 1919 Square Crowd Panorama (left, middle & right)
Welcome Home 1919 Opera House
The Woodstock Sentinel June 12, 1919 p6:
Pavement Dancing
Between the hours of 3 and 5 in the afternoon and 10 and 12 in the evening, dancing was enjoyed on the pavement between…
Welcome Home 1919 Murphy Block
100 N. Benton: American National Bank
102 N. Benton: Murphy & Doering General Merchandise
106 N. Benton: Lencioni & Bertolozzi Ice Cream and…
Welcome Home 1919 Main Street
Main Street is decked out for the celebration with a series of bunting and flags over the street, on the light poles and on the buildings. The Welcome…
Welcome Home 1919 Courthouse with Tent
Welcome Home 1919 Courthouse and Sheriff's House
Welcome Home 1919 Cass St.
Welcome Home 1919 Cass St Stone Shoes
Three boys stand on the sidewalk in front of Stone & Son Shoe Store on June 10, 1919 decorated for the Welcome Home celebration.This was the last frame building on the square until it burned down in 1936.
"Most Recent Bad Fire The last…