Browse Items (10 total)

Woodstock American Logo.JPG
A logo for the Woodstock American, a defunct local newspaper. The logo reads: The Woodstock American.

1922-02-10 (wdstk american) ad - u.s. army store - donnelly building (next to court house).jpg
Special Sale of Army Goods
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
U.S. Army Store - Donnelly Building (next to Courthouse)

1921-09-02 (wdstk american) hundreds attend big pavement dance in front of courthouse.jpg
Hundreds of people attended the pavement dance in front of the Courthouse on Friday night. Weldon's band of this city furnished the music.
Old and young mingled as the band played the old fashioned waltzes or the more modern foxtrots. The management…

1920-07-02 (wdstk american) new floors at courthouse.jpg
The soil improvement association force has moved back into the regular office after sojourning in the Circuit court room a number of days while the new floors were placed in their office and in the hallway. These floors, in which a cushion of cork…

1920-02-20 (wdstk american) to discuss farm tenant problem at court house.jpg
The Illinois farm commission appointed by Gov. Lowden to investigate conditions in Illinois regarding the operation and leasing of Illinois farm lands, the growth of farm tenancy, the maintenance of fertility, and other... Courthouse in this city at…

1920-02-20 (wdstk american) rural schools unable to meet state requirements - meeting at courthouse.jpg
Page 1 Transcript

On of the largest and most important meetings ever planned for the advancement of the rural schools of this county will be held in the Courthouse in this city, Monday afternoon, Feb. 23.

The purpose of this meeting, as it is…

1919-10-03 (wdstk american) former courthouse janitor has sea chest brought over on the mayflower.jpg
Talk about your ancestors, heirlooms and treasured relics, there is one man in Woodstock who owns a sea chest which his great-great-grandfather brought over in the Mayflower and the chest is now in his possession, sound and strong as ever.

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