Frequently Asked Questions


I am having trouble navigating the site, do you have any tips to assist me?

Navigation Tips:

  • Interested in a specific topic? Use the search bar at the top, right-hand corner of the screen. Look for the magnifiying glass!
  • Curious about a specific periodical? Use the Search by Newspaper page to narrow down your search by publication. Click here for more information.
  • Want to search by tags? Click on an article's headline and scroll down to the Tags section. Use the provided links to sort our digitized content into specific topics of interest.   

I noticed a broken link, how do I contact a librarian to report the issue?

If you see a broken link and would like to report it, you can use our Contact Us page. Click here for more information.

Some of the articles I select appear too large or too small in the exhibit viewer, is there a way to see a clearer image?  

To see a clearer image, select the "Click here for Full-Text article" option in the description section of every article. In addition, you can follow these steps to bring up a full-window view:

  • Select an image to open its page in the exhibit viewer
  • Right-click the image to open a pull-down menu
  • Select the "Open in New Tab" option
  • Use the new window to view the image with greater clarity

Text still too small? Use the "Ctrl +" or "Ctrl -" keyboard functions to change the zoom of the window to better suit your needs.  

If you notice that a Full-Text article does not match its title or description, please use the Contact Us page to report it to WPL staff. Click here for more information


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