Featured Stories

Circa 1891 black and white photograph the McHenry County Courthouse and Sheriff's Residence and Jail on Johnson Street, Woodstock, Illinois.    Horses and buggies are seen parked on the dirt road in front of the  Woodstock Square Park.

Courthouse and Sheriff's Residence, c. 1891

In the past, the Old McHenry County Courthouse and Jail was a popular venue for hosting lectures and speeches. Take a look at some of these discussions in Courthouse Lectures. Click here for more information.

Circa  1904 colorized black and white photograph of  the McHenry Courthouse and Sheriff's residence and jail buildings on Cass Street, Woodstock, Illinois.

Illustration of Old Courthouse, c. 1907

The Old Courthouse and Jail is the centerpiece of Woodstock's local economy. Delve deeper in Economic Impact of the Courthouse. Click here for more information.

Circa 1947 black and white photography of the McHenry County Courthouse and Sheriff's residence and jail buildings on Cass Street, Woodstock, Illinois.

Courthouse and Sheriff's House 1947-1954

The Courthouse has seen its fair share of high-profile court cases, check them out in Clarence Darrow & Eugene Debs. Click here for more information.

Circa 1900 black and white photograph of two buildings on Johnson Street, the old Woodstock Courthouse and the Sheriff's Residence and jail in Woodstock, Illinois.

Courthouse and Sheriff's Jail 1898-1903

Want to brighten your day? Visit News Stories of Interest. Click here for more information. 

1998 color photograph of two buildings on Johnson Street, Woodstock, Illinois, the old McHenry County Courthouse and the old Sheriff's Residence and jail.

Courthouse and Sheriff's House Calendar Photo 1998

Interested in seeing a Public Works project gone awry? Read up on The Saga of the Courthouse Well. Click here for information.

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